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Professional and sincere service as your Civil Celebrant creating unique ceremonies for your wedding.​
Getting Married
Getting Married
Under the Marriage Act 1961 there are certain obligations that you, as a couple intending to get married, must meet prior to a marriage ceremony being solemnised.
A Notice of Intended Marriage (NIM) must be lodged with me
no less than one month and no more than eighteen months prior to the marriage being solemnised.
Notice of Intended Marriage form would be completed at your first meeting and the required documentation must be produced Parties to a marriage must produce evidence of date and place of birth and this can be done by producing a birth certificate, drivers licence or an Australian or Overseas passport.
n the case of persons previously married, an original copy of your Divorce Certificate or, if applicable a Court Annulment Certificate; the case of widowhood, an original copy of the Death Certificate must be produced. These documents MUST be produced before the marriage can take place. It is essential that you allow yourself adequate time to acquire them if you have misplaced them.
Prior to your wedding, both parties will be required to sign a declaration, under the Marriage Act 1961, stating that you believe there is no legal impediment to the marriage between yourself and your partner. This is a legal document and calls for honesty at all times. Penalties may apply for false or misleading information.
Download this form and make an appointment with me to submit your notice and documents shown to me at first meeting.